Virtual Prayer Walk
Pause for a moment –

Lord as I sit in my home
walk with me as I walk
with you and as I lift this town
and community to you –
meet each persons need…
Imagine you are at the bottom of the Church car park…

Pray for Northfield House and other Nursing Homes in the town…
Pray for vulnerable residents and the staff who work so hard to care for them.

Pray for elderly folk shut in their homes.

Picture the Primary School gate at Northfield Rd…

Pray for our children – of any age…

Pray for demented parents trying to fill kid’s days! Pray for teachers preparing online work or resource packs and those still in schools caring for health workers children… Pray for our children and young people’s safety and especially for young people worried about cancelled exams and career choices.
In your mind you now head across the field towards the health centre. The swings and the pitch are great places for kids and families…
Pray for families adjusting to new ways of life…

Picture the Killaughey Road…

Pray for the AA group who usually meet in the Pigeon Club. Those folk are amazing at caring for each other. May they find ways to support each other and may they continue to know strength and healing.

Now to the entrance to the Health Centre…

Pray for our medical professionals, support staff and local chemist shops (if you kn ow their names or imagine their faces… lift them to God)
Pray for our local paramedics and hospital staff… They have a huge job and will get fatigued. Pray for car workers in the community and care givers at home. Lord give them strength
Pray for researchers responsible for fighting the coronavirus.

Pause to think about the Churches of our town…
Pray for all the local Churches in Donaghadee, Ministers, Pastors and Priests. They will be recording services and trying to support the vulnerable and the fearful. Pray that we will be people of faith and daily worshippers. Even though we don’t meet together as Congregations – Pray that our faith be strengthened at this time and may others see Jesus in us.
Think about the centre of our town…
Pray for our shops and businesses.

Pray for business owners and families facing financial stress.
Lord we thank You that You are faithful! For many it can be overwhelming not knowing how bills will be met or unable to provide for families. As people feel financial strain during this uncertainty, bring them comfort and peace, reminding them that You are there for them. Provide for them in their times of need. Be especially close to those short of food and the local Food banks. Give us as a community a spirit of generosity… Forgive our selfishness.

Pray for food store workers and delivery drivers.

Pray for those who protect us, the armed forces – many serving overseas with loved ones in the UK. The Police and Army who protect our streets. Pray for the Coastguard and Life Boat Crew. Pray for our Queen, Prime Minister, Government, Executive and Council – all who maintain community services for us.

Finally, look out to sea…

Pray for those who have illness. Pray for people facing quarantine.

Finally as you head home, Pray for the bereaved. Lord God we pray those broken hearted by the death of a loved one… comfort them in their grief. Heal their wounds and ease their pain.