
Year of Mission 2015

Last year Bishop Harold gathered together more than 800 Select Vestry members in four different venues. He presented 3 pictures of how he would like the diocese to be transformed in the run–up to and throughout 2015.

Firstly, he said that he wanted us to be “turned inside out,” meaning that, together, we should face outwards, rather than being consumed by our own parochial needs and preoccupations. Secondly, he urged parishes to begin to see everything through a “missional filter” – questioning all our activities, our use of money, our worship and welcome. Thirdly, the Bishop issued a challenge to the diocese to move from plateau to growth and, indeed, to believe that growth was possible. He encouraged the select vestries to lead by example and to tend the ground, creating the right environment for growth.  “Let’s embrace the Year of Mission,” he said, “and allow God to transform us so that we are missional all the time and become places of transformation for others.”