
Rector’s Letter June 2015

The truth of Christianity rests heavily on the resurrection. If Jesus rose from the grave, who saw him? Who could testify or witness to his presence as a living person? Amazingly, with the coming gift of the Holy Spirit, those who claimed to have seen the risen Jesus go on to turn the known world upside down!

Now in the Easter Season we celebrate resurrection – it is a promise of hope and life – found in the One whom death could not hold. The One we worship Sunday by Sunday. As Pentecost approaches we realise that by the power of the Holy Spirit he is the only one who can help us make sense of our lives.

Making sense of life has been the theme of our Mission Sunday services – each speaker has sought to bring the message of Jesus into advancing years, illness and with our last speaker the joys and sorrows of starting a family. Faith is relevant both for this life and the next! When was the last time you thought about your own faith – or lack of it! Do come along on a Sunday as we in Donaghadee Parish daily try to make sense of those big life questions.

Worship in Donaghadee Parish Church – at what ever service – strikes me as a deep encounter with the living God. The collect for purity at Holy Communion puts it so well, “Almighty God to whom all hearts be open.” What a great way to encounter the living God. With open hearts.

A significant part of our worship these past 12 years has been the contribution of Mrs May Watterson our long serving acting organist. May has valiantly carried out her role as organist when the Select Vestry were unable to appoint a full-time organist. May is now semi-retiring and will continue to play at the evening services which will be led by the choir. Morning worship will be led by the Music group, continuing with Morning Prayer 2 from the Book of Common Prayer. Thank you to May and to our choir for the huge contribution they have made to worship in our Parish and for their friendship, commitment and service.

We also say farewell to Mr Robert McCormick, our long serving hall caretaker. We wish Bob every blessing and thank him for his hard work, diligence and meticulous care of the hall complex. I know it has been a labour of love and he has been totally committed to the task. Thank you Bob from all who have used the Church Halls.As we go to print a presentation to Bob is being planned.

Your friend and Rector