Coronation of King Charles III

As King Charles III and Queen Camilla prepare for the coronation tomorrow I am certain that they both feel this weight of service. I ask that you hold them in this prayer from the Chaplain General; as Faith is central to the coronation act:
Loving God, come with your grace and heavenly aid to fill the heart of your servant King Charles.
Anoint him with your Spirit and lead him into all truth
Grant him wisdom to fulfil this calling, to promote freedom of conscience, generosity of spirit and care for others.
Give him strength for all the future holds, that in his thoughts, words and actions he may seek your honour and glory.
Bless Camilla the Queen and all the Royal Family, that enriched by your presence, they may serve with faithfulness and in peace.
We ask this in the name of him who is Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
Our worship on Sunday 7th May will include prayers for the King and Queen as well as a Bible reflection on monarchy. The 10.30am service will conclude with a Coronation Tea Party in the Church Hall.
All welcome.
Revd Ian Gamble